Contacts and Services tab - Groups

The Contacts/Services tab is the fifth tab of the Group Stay information (Group Folio) screen. The Contacts/Services tab in a Group Main Folio allows you to attach vehicles, add a trace, and attach contacts that should be associated with the booking. It is equivalent to the Add'l Names/Services tab in an Individual Main Folio, and contains mostly the same fields, where you can input details such as car make and license. However, the section where you can add any contacts for this stay differs.



When selected, the Group Main Folio with the Stay Information tab displayed will open.

Group Main Folio screen

Click on the Contacts/Services tab to open it. The Contacts/Services tab shows any contact information associated with your Group reservation, and allows you to add or edit this information.

Group Main Folio screen with Contacts and Services tab displayed

Note: No fields in this section are required, but adding any information you have here may be extremely useful subsequently.





Date Updated January 29, 2024